School Projects
Creative workshops with children in local Primary Schools
I offer a variety of skills such as print making and felting, paper making and sewing. Children love the experience of using my sewing machine! Projects vary from a morning’s activity to several days; Early Years to KS2; from a handful of children to whole school involvement.
I love helping children learn new skills, grow in confidence and develop their own creative ideas. Collaborative work across a class or the whole school is a wonderful way to help build community and celebrate your school’s ethos and values. Children take pride in a shared piece of work increasing their sense of ownership and delight in their school environment.
I’m happy to work with teachers to take ideas and develop workable designs to creatively support the curriculum; or to initiate creative ideas. I can tailor projects to suit your requirements with budgets and time schedules.
So get in touch and I can help come up with a creative plan.
plastic awareness project
characters designed by children at Downton Primary School
Christmas card printing workshop

Enterprise project with Marpool Primary School children making products to sell at their Farmer's Market
Recycled plastic packaging 'quilt'
pupil stitching plastic pieces for recycling project

detail from Farmer's Market Banner
Hand sewing printed leaves in place.

Machine sewing decorative stitches
individual Year 6 pupils personalise this 'legacy' piece

Entrance Hall Wallhanging, Kenn Primary School

Table cloth for Collective Worship, Downton Primary School

Woodbury Salterton Primary School wall hanging. As a Church of England School, the brief was to express the school values with the theme of "abundant life" from John 10 v 10 in the Bible.
'Altar Cloth' for Collective Worship, Winterbourne Earls Primary School

Welcome banner for new entrance at Bassetts Farm Primary School

''Journeys" project, Drakes Primary School

2 panels legacy project made with Year 6 pupils, Woodbury Salterton Primary School
Marpool Primary School Farmer's Market banner
This project was for a wall
hanging for the entrance hall at
Primary School.
The brief was to express the school’s vision and values in a design that incorporated individual children’s art work.
children's original flower designs

Children's designs incorporated into our final composition
Outlines were drawn in starch paste and colours were filled in
children painting in small groups

Some careful painting by pupils
beautiful painting skills coming to the fore
School values on the flower stems
details once the starch paste was removed
The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Clyst St Mary Primary School Arts Week.
I worked with a KS1 class at Clyst St Mary Primary School as part of their annual Arts Week. The class were looking at the work of Eric Carle and we spent two days creating our own large Caterpillar hanging to adorn the walls of the library. This was part of an Art Picnic event for school families at the end of the week.
The children explored various painting techniques including splattering, printing and stencilling. They all had a turn using my sewing machine to add decorative stitches to the finished piece.
a variety of fabrics created with different painting techniques
children painted in the large areas of colour
painted and printed fabrics drying in between processes
Butterfly in progress
patterned fabrics made with printing
Translucent fabrics layered up and stitched

sponge printing
many different painted and printed fabrics were used in a collage effect and top stitched

children used the sewing machine to create decorative stitches on the grasses across the piece

Wyndham Park Infants School
Piano Cover
This project was to make a legacy piece with the year 2 pupils at the school before they moved on to Junior School. It was connected with a World War 1 Remembrance project and a Remembrance Garden at the school. The children designed their own flowers and painted class name birds to represent their ‘flying off’ to their next school. Each child wrote their favourite school memory on a grass which they helped to stitch on to the final piece with my sewing machine. I made this into a cover for the piano and it is displayed in the assembly hall.

children worked from photographs they had taken in their Remembrance Garden
pastel work on top of the painting
background painting
individual school memories from each pupil

Year 2s adding decorative stitches on the sewing machine
Finished piano cover in pride of place
St Peter’s Year 6 production backdrop
The Year 6 end of year production was a medley from a variety of musicals. I was asked to design a backdrop to show elements all of these musicals, which I created with the Year 6 pupils. It was used in their wonderful performance at the Barnfield Theatre in Exmouth.
West Hill Primary School book covers
This Year 5 class had written their own stories inspired by Charlie Mackesy’s work, using his characters and putting themselves into their stories alongside the horse, fox and mole.
The children designed the front covers for their books and spent a day with me painting their designs in Brusho inks and black ink. They then bound their completed books using a drill, drilling jig and stitched binding.